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Free Backyard Composting and Bokashi Basics Workshop

Aug 16, 2023Aug 16, 2023

Join Solana Center for this two hour presentation where you will learn the basics of traditional composting and get an introduction to bokashi, a fermentation method that will enable you to compost all your food waste, including meat, dairy, and liquids. This “pre-composting” process uses an inoculant of effective microbes to preserve kitchen scraps until you’re ready to incorporate them into your soil or compost bin. Learn how bokashi can be used to increase your organic waste diversion and enrich your soil microbiome. Please pre-register to attend at or at

All pre-registered attendees who are residents of unincorporated San Diego County will receive a FREE kitchen scraps container, courtesy of the County of San Diego.

In this workshop, we will cover:

- What is composting and why it is so important

- What tools and materials you’ll need

- What is bokashi, how does it work, and what are its benefits?

- Successfully fermenting your food scraps with bokashi

- Methods for composting bokashi-treated materials

Please contact us with any questions:

Phone: (760)436-7986 ext. 700

Email: [email protected]

Made possible through generous funding by the County of San Diego and County of San Diego Recycling.

Thanks to our site sponsor, the San Diego County Library.

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